
Friday, May 25, 2012

Things I love today


I read a book a long time ago that had a character in it who "only ate yellow food," i.e., Twinkies, bananas, macaroni and cheese. I fear I'm falling into the same rut, but I think it's kind of a comfort food thing.


One Republic "Secrets." I rented "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" last weekend from Amazon. It was an okay movie, not great, but this song played a couple of times, and I had to Google it and figure out what it was. I don't think I had ever heard it before, but it plays in my head now all the time.


Greyhound by Steffan Piper. I had noticed when this book came out, but never read it. It was the Kindle Daily Deal today, for $.99, so I got the sample, and before I even finished the sample, I went and bought it. It's a story about an eleven year old boy whose mother needs to get rid of him so she can keep her current boyfriend, so she puts him on a bus from California to Pennsylvania, where he is to live with his grandmother. The story is about his adventures on his cross-country bus trip. It's written in first-person in the boy's voice.

The Amazon Kindle app (check out Pixel of Ink and Books on the Knob for links to free Kindle books)


  1. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Hey Willa, My daughters name is Willa too. he is 6. it's a lovely name

  2. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Oops, SHE is 6 of course.

  3. Love me some cello but am not sure what the song is about. It's got a pretty video. ;-)

    The premise of the book sounds like it might be too depressing for me. Adventures aside, his mom is tossing him away. Sad.
