There was scant progress on the artistic front, but I did manage to put first coats of paint on two of the little cabinets.

The one on the left has a thin coat of "Moss Green" acrylic; it will definitely need another coat. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it, but now that I've got the color on it, I think I might put some mosaic tile inside because, if I'm remembering the colors correctly, I have some that would look nice with that green. Although who knows. I'm just going to do whatever seems to work at the time. If it doesn't end up working, no big loss. I can't just hold out until I know the ideas are perfect. If I did that, I'd never do anything.
The black one is a mistake. I was thinking black lacquer, kind of a Chinese thing, and I was glad to see that I had black paint, but it turned out to be the wrong kind of paint. I knew it wasn't "lacquer," but I thought I could paint it and then varnish over it, but the black paint was antiquing glaze, so it didn't cover well at all, and I'm not sure if it's even ever going to dry. If it isn't dry tonight, I'll wipe it off. And stop on the way home and buy real black paint.
I also painted a birdhouse that I bought at the same time that I bought the little cabinets. It was, I think, $2.99, and also unfinished. I painted it with a "Gardener's Green" color stain, then put on a light coat of outdoor acrylic varnish. I don't mind if it weathers a little bit, and I didn't really care if it was perfect. I filled it with birdseed last night and hung it up, and I think it looks pretty cute.