I made earrings this weekend. After practicing for awhile, I decided I was ready to move to sterling silver wires, so I went out and bought some, and made four pair of earrings, all very different. I'm having a really good time with it. I have a couple of partitioned boxes that I've gradually filled with beads and crystals and metal findings and beads. I sit down with the boxes and start pulling out things and trying them out to see what looks nice together.
It's also a nice change of pace from sitting in front of the computer all evening after having done the same thing all day. Last night I called up a new episode of Raines (my new favorite television show, although I've yet to see it on television, having only watched episodes on iTunes and NBC.com) on the computer, and sat down at the dining room table with my beads and tools and made a couple of cell phone charms.
It also gives me something different to do in the evenings now that Bob is working a lot of nights. I don't tend to fall asleep over them like I do over a book or my knitting.
I sold this one yesterday:

They're all up for sale at my Etsy shop; I'm thinking about building a store here at the site sometime soon. I haven't sold a lot of stuff, but enough to build my confidence. I've been told before that I need to dream bigger, so I'm kind of trying that this time, albeit tentatively. Worst case, I've got Christmas well in hand.