Yesterday I:
- put out a bunch of my little Christmas decorations in the house
- had a cup of hot chocolate in a snowman mug
- watched "Christmas With the Kranks"
- started addressing Christmas cards
- decorated the mirror in Bob's bathroom with snowman window clings
- trolled Pinterest for inspiration and updated my Christmas board
- Put a Christmas wreath on the front door
I bought:
- Christmas cupcake papers and cake mix
- Hershey's Kisses to put out in bowls at home
- peppermint candy to put out in my office at work
- peppermint marshmallows for hot chocolate
- cranberry ginger ale
- a dozen vintage-looking mercury glass ornaments
Today I put up my little Christmas/winter wreath in my office at work and tonight I baked muffins. So I would say December is off to a good start!

As part of the "project," I downloaded a new iPhone app called
InstaCC - Calendar and Challenges for Instagram. I actually downloaded a bunch of apps to try, and I liked the layout of this one the best. It automatically picks up the photos from my Instagram account and arranges them, and they also have the option of challenges. Some of them cost extra; I paid $1.99 for the "365" photo-a-day challenge. I haven't completely figured it out yet, and I think the developer is Japanese, so some of the language is odd, but I like having a daily prompt/challenge, so hopefully I can stick with it for awhile. There are overlays for the challenge photos, which I like. So, we'll see. Sometimes I need something like this to give me a some creative motivation, and I definitely need that with Christmas coming up. And I guess I also start thinking about the first of the year, and new beginnings, new starts, trying again to get it right.