I've been holding on to these pictures thinking that I'll sit down and actually write something sometime, but it just isn't happening. Too much going on, yet nothing worth writing about, really. But in any event, more pictures of the poppies:

And buds getting ready to bloom (and which may already have bloomed, by now):

A lone strawberry plant that I think must have been planted by a bird:

And a little deutzia bush that my mom sent me home with last summer, and which never got planted, and is now blooming in its pot:

Oh, and the Gerbera daisy on my desk. Kristi bought a cute, tall, skinny vase for her desk with a daisy in it, and said she'd pick one up for me if I wanted. So I gave her the money, and she came back with a lovely hot pink glass vase and this cool pink daisy (now beginning to wilt).

I went to the nursery Sunday afternoon and bought a couple of Gerbera daisies (decided to try to grow my own!), three geranium plants for the front porch, some ground cover with tiny white flowers that I can't now remember the name of, and a peony! I've wanted a peony forever, and my mother has said that she'll give me a start of one, but we've just never done it. They were fairly inexpensive for once ($19.99), and there was a wonderful pale pink one that I couldn't resist. It has two big blooms on it now, and one bud, so hopefully it will continue blooming over the summer.
Of course, as soon as I bought the flowers (and Sunday it was hot!), it turned cold and rainy, and it's been like winter again this week. So the flowers are in the garage, waiting for a warm weekend to do the planting. Just as well, really, since by the time I get home in the evenings, it's too late to do much of anything. Hopefully next weekend will be nice and I can get them in the ground or in larger containers.