One of the things that I am always grateful for is the fact that we are a dog-friendly office. There are two dogs that are always there -- Dave's two, Jojo and Connor -- and several that are there almost every day. Clark (pictured here), Olive and Dexter, Ranger, Maggie, Sunshine, Dolly and Dixie, Jake and Elwood. I adore the dogs, every one of them.
I wasn't thinking specifically of the dogs when I wrote out my list of photographs for the month and wrote "Comfort" as the subject for today, but they really are a comfort to me, so I think it's appropriate. Sometimes, when I'm having a bad day, Bob will call, and he'll say, "Go pet the dogs, you'll feel better." And I do. Dogs give you unconditional love, and are non-judgemental, although they can definitely tell me about it if I'm not quick enough with a treat, Olive in particular. She has a huge personality for such a little dog. And, I suppose, their affection is easily bought with a treat or two.
Still, there's nothing quite like the feeling of getting up to go to a meeting and having Jojo come with me, or having Olive look to me to save her from Ranger's over-enthusiastic affection, or having Clark come in and settle down in my office at the end of the day.
So many people come to our office and are delighted to meet the dogs, and say that they wish they could have dogs at their office. I know we're lucky, and I'm grateful.
Photo: 9/4 - Comfort: Yes? Can I help you?