Our new camera came today. It's a Canon Powershot SD200 that I ordered from Amazon. The price has been lowered another ten dollars in the couple of days since I bought it, and I got 10 free holiday cards, but they've upped that to 25 now, so that's worth another twenty bucks.
As soon as the UPS guy delivered it--and I opted for free shipping, but even though they said it could take up to two weeks, I got it in five days (I ordered it last Friday), so I sort of feel like they made up for it in the shipping--I plugged the battery in to charge, and flipped through the manual. Once it was charged, I took it down the hall and took pictures of the guys in the art department (Dave, Jeff and Kurt, and Simon, of course). Aren't they cute?

I've absolutely fallen in love with the products from Indigo Wild. My health club occasionally has this kind of weird, rough-looking soap in the bathroom, and it smelled wonderful, but I never really paid any attention until this weekend, when they had some little sample bags by the soap dishes, printed with the Indigo Wild URL. I, of course, checked it out when I got home, and it's a local company that makes this wonderful, natural aromatherapy soap and other body products.
I requested a catalog, and they sent me an email coupon for a free bundle of sample "slices" with an order, so I placed an order for another bundle of sample slices, plus a couple of sampler bags so that I could try out the rest of their products. In addition, they sent me more samples--several small body lotion samples, more soap, a perfume sample, etc. Everything is lovely, and it smells so good. And I love supporting a local business.
So I was thinking--my birthday is in a week, and in the elementary school tradition of bringing treats on your birthday, I thought I'd give away one of the sample bags. I can't find it on the website now, so they may have discontinued it. Anyway -- oh! I can take a picture of it!

So anyway, I thought I'd give it away. A little mini birthday contest. So send me an email with the subject "Birthday Contest" and I'll draw a name on my birthday--which also happens to be Thanksgiving (I love it when that happens!)--and send the sampler bag to someone.