During a normal week, I generally only watch television on Friday night. That's my tv night. Monk, House, and one or more episodes of Law & Order, SVU. Except for that one night, I might catch an episode or two of Stargate while Bob's watching, or something like that, but for the most part, I don't pay any attention.
But this is an Olympics year! So every night for two weeks I'm sitting in front of the television, watching speed skating and figure skating and ski jumping, and I couldn't honestly tell you why. I don't care anything about sports at any other time, and I don't really care about these sports, either. I think it's more that I feel like I should participate in the event, or honor it in some way. And as Bob pointed out, I enjoy the soap opera quality of learning about the athletes' lives as much as anything, probably.
Anyway, whatever the reason, I've been in the living room watching television every night this week, and the kitties are right there with me.

I love the one little white paw.

Sometime late in the evening Bob came down and sat with me for a few minutes, and Dinah took advantage of him and climbed up into his arms, settled down, and went to sleep, effectively trapping him there for about a half hour.

Hi Willa, I wanted to tell you that you inspired me to watch the Winter Olympics this year. You mentioned a few months back (or was it longer?) that you love the Winter Olympics, and that intrigued me, because I've never watched them. Well, I LOVE THEM! I watched every night, absolutely mesmerized. My favorite event was the new one, the snowboard-cross, I think it's called. The one where the American girl did a fancy maneuver and lost herself the gold! I was so embarassed for her! Anyway, it felt very companionable for me, knowing you were watching too, in Kansas. :)
I just started with the summer olympics two years ago and now I am absolutely hooked and can hardly wait the next two years until the summer's. I never watch sports of any kind normally but I love the olympics. The drama is good too I must admit and it's all real, not like on a supposed reality show. This year I fell in love with Canadian ice dancer Tanith Belbin. Do you ever feel a big affection for a few different athletes no matter what country he or she is from?
We've always been huge winter Olympics fans at our house. Can I brag a bit and say that my DH is a former competitive ski jumper? So he understands the inside part of many of the events and that has always made it even more interesting for me. Plus he's half Finnish and can pronounce the names!
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