Cranberry-Peppermint candle:

Peppermint ice cream:


Christmas tree-shaped candy dishes:

Christmas wall hanging (I didn't make this, and it usually stays up all year because I love it):

Bob spent about two hours last Tuesday night getting this Neil Armstsrong ornament to work. You hook it up to one of the tree lights, and when you push a button, it says, "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Because, you know, it just wouldn't be Christmas without Neil Armstrong.

A little catnip sock on the mantel for Doña:

Bob and Pyewacket's stockings. I crocheted Bob's (it resembles a Converse All Star hightop sneaker and sock) when we were dating, so it's over 30 years old!

My stocking and Dinah's -- Bob bought mine years ago at a mall where he had my name put on it in glitter.

Holiday punch: Diet 7-Up, orange juice, cranberry juice:

And last, but not least:

Your cats don't bother the tree? Our tree looks different every day, because I never remember where the ornaments originated. One day I came home from work to exhausted kitties. I think they had spent the entire day un-decorating the tree. Jeri
Dinah used to climb the tree -- she destroyed an expensive artificial tree a couple of years ago -- and we always tied the tree to the wall with eye bolts and fishing line, but this year we didn't do that, and she hasn't climbed it. Not sure why, maybe just because she's older. They've been rolling around under it, though, I can tell, because the skirt is all messed up. But that's a small thing. :)
Your stuff looks so festive. I haven't put up a tree in ages. The only signs of Christmas at my house are the rolls of wrapping paper and gifts waiting to be wrapped. I seem to be in a gear where I just wrap as things absolutely need to be wrapped...leaving a pile of stuff until the next person's stuff just has to be sent/delivered/etc.
Hi Willa,
Remember me? I've been reading your journal for 10 years at least! I love your Christmas pictures, thanks for sharing. Nice little memory of Dona...
Hope you and Bob and kitties have a wonderful blessed Christmas!
Of course I remember you, Maureen! Thank you for the Christmas wishes -- the same to you! :)
If it was just me, I wouldn't do the tree. Or I'd do a small tabletop one. I like all the little things, but the tree is a lot of work. I basically do it for Bob, although it *does* look pretty! And I love the lights.
Willa, thanks so much for sharing you photos. I really like your painted toenails. What a great idea. It makes me want to paint mine.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year!
Okay, you've got some seriously great looking feet. BTW, I'm a woman, not creepy or anything like that, just envious ;-)
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