Spring is really moving in, although, as is usual here, warm days alternate with cool days. It was probably in the high 70s yesterday, and today is going to be in the 50s. I remembered to go out and check the daffodils this morning; I wanted to cut them if they had bloomed, in case we get another freeze. They're planted close to the house, so the soil there stays warmer than it would out further in the yard, and they always bloom early and almost always get frozen.

They were blooming, so I cut five of them and brough them in to work for my desk. I left a few out there. I can't really have them in the house because the cats mess with them and usually end up turning the vase over, and since it's Thursday, I'll only have today and tomorrow to enjoy them at work. But anyway, they smell wonderful, and I love having flowers on my desk. I need to try to remember to buy them sometimes, they really do make me happy. Bob buys me single roses or carnations every once in awhile, and it's always wonderful to get them.

While I was taking the picture of the flowers in my office, I also took a picture of the cute little table I have, with a little pewter lamp that my sister gave me for Christmas (actually she probably gave it to Bob and me, but I confiscated it for myself). And the picture of Dinah and Pye in the dryer, and a little bird tealight holder that I got at the dollar store.

I'm catching up on my sock knitting this year after a shaky start. I had started a sock out of a Trekking ombre yarn, and that's what I took with me to Mexico, but I didn't do much work on it. I did finish it, but the yarn was splitty and difficult to work with. After I finished it, I started another one with an Opal limited edition yarn (meaning it's not a regular item, just a one-off), and I've been loving it. I finished the first one, and started the second, and I never do that--I never do them one right after the other, I'm always so bored that I move on to a different yarn and come back to do the second one later.

I'm not sure why I loved this yarn so much, but I do.

Willa, I just love the colors in this sock. You are so creative. Knowing me, I wouldn't want to wear them after I got them done.
Willa, your socks are so pretty. I can see why you love the yarn so much. I love your table and all the things you have on it. That's a really cool frame you have the kitties picture in. Have you seen the digital photo frames? The ones where you put a picture card or something like that inside and the pictures keep changing on the frame? Several people in our family got those for Christmas and I want one so badly. They are kind of expensive, though, I think. I'm not really sure where to find them. I need to research that.
Aack! I have a terrible fear of one of my four cats getting in the dryer without my noticing, and being roasted and tumbled to death! I'm so absent-minded, and they like to hide...I tell them they must NOT get in the dryer under any circumstances, and chase them away if they show any interest. Your picture makes me realize what a worry-wart I am! :-)
Pyewacket *loves* the dryer, but I never let her get in it, it's Bob to spoils her and lets her get in and snuggle in the warm clothes. I can see the appeal, of course, but I'm like you, it scares me. And it wrinkles the clothes. :)
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