I went to T. J. Maxx yesterday and wandered around; I didn't have anything in particular in mind, but I always like looking through their houseware and decorative stuff, and sometimes I find a bargain. This is what I found yesterday:

It was $5.00, I assume because there should have been a third drawer, and one of the other ones was broken, but it was pretty easy to fix, and I don't think it really looks like it's missing a drawer. The open spot could just be a little shelf. I don't know right now what I'm going to put in it, but for $5.00 I couldn't resist it.
I also bought this exceptionally cool mirror:

I'd been wanting a mirror for my office at work; I'm not exactly sure why, but I just felt like it needed one. Probably some unconscious feng shui thing. Anyway, this one was on the clearance table, too, for $10.00, so I bought it. I love the little doors. The color is a very pale blue.
Every time I buy things like these -- with the paint scraped off in places -- what did they used to call it? I can't remember. Antiqued, yes, but it seems like there was something else . . . Anyway, I always think of my parents. My mother loved to refinish furniture, and went through a spell of antiquing things, and sometimes she'd beat them up a little, and rub stain into the cracks, and then paint it, and rub the paint off . . . techniques that made a new piece of furniture look old, like it had some history.
My dad thought that was crazy. Why would you buy a new piece of furniture and then do things to it to make it look old? I'm not really sure why, either, but I know that I like it. Maybe because it does look like it has some history, or could have, even if it doesn't really. That's not to say that I don't love soulless, plastic, mass-produced stuff, too, because I do. I just love both kinds of things.
This morning I spent a couple of hours photographing the knitting stitch markers that I've made, and stocking my Etsy shop. I have a couple of sets of markers made with old plastic ivory-colored beads -- I bought an old bracelet somewhere and took it apart for the beads. I love taking something old and making it into something new, or even something that just looks old.

And today I also got to watch two of my favorite movies, Men in Black, and School of Rock. I have simple tastes.
Hi Willa, is the word you're looking for (concerning making stuff look old) "distressed"?
Best wishes from Liverpool!
Yes! Thank you!
We must have been surfing channels at around the same time - I got to watch The Bourne Supremacy, Mission Impossible II and Van Wilder -- what a wonderful movie weekend on cable tv! :)
Oh, and I forgot about another one -- The Princess Diaries was on, too.
As you wiiiiiiiiish! heehee.
I am remembering those fascinating little shrines you made a while back. This little cabinet seems perfect for that! What might the little drawers reveal??
as you wwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissshh is the Princess Bride is it in the Princess Diaries as well? Just wondering. I love doing the movie surf during the weekend but still haven't seen the Princess Diaries yet.
I *almost* typed "Princess Bride," but it was Princess Diaries. And no, that line isn't in there, that I recall. :)
I love your finds...I don't think it looks like it's missing a drawer either. This reminds me of a while back when you had crafted something similar (?) only in black.
Oops you are right about the movies! All day yesterday I was quoting from the Princess Bride in my head, though..."My name is Inigo Montoya - you kill my father - prepare to die!" It was much more fun than having an ear worm all day...I had a movie worm!
I have been trying to remember that quote from the Princess Bride for the last week. Thanks so much for repeating it here. I love that quote and the way he says it. Now I'm going to have to watch the movie again. It's been a long time since I've seen it.
(catching up) How about the term "shabby chic" for your cabinet style? I do like looking at stuff at TJ Maxx and similar stores, esp when *very* marked down.
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