Having dogs at work.. On a normal day there are two -- Simon the Australian shepherd and Jojo the ... I don't know. Mutt puppy. They're both great. Simon's neurotic, as herders tend to be, I guess, and Jojo's a treat. She's taken over the couch; you will usually find her lying there chewing on a "bone." She's the princess. And lately there's Clark. He's part Lab, part Great Pyrenees. His mother was a Great Pyrenees--they're white, and he got white paws, a white bib, and the tip of his tail from her. The rest is coal black. He has the most enormous head. "The Pyrenees is not recommended for apartment living."
The library. I know it's not very supportive of writers to get books at the library rather than buying them, but I could never afford to buy all the books I read, and also, when I get them at the library, I can choose books that just sound interesting to me, and if they don't turn out to be interesting, I just have to take them back. I don't have to feel guilty about not reading them, and I don't. Life's too short.
Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Orange & Sandalwood Calming Body Lotion. They don't make this anymore, of course, or at least I haven't been able to find it. And it's not on the website, so I'm sure it's been discontinued. (No surprise there.) I found some awhile ago on a clearance rack at Bath & Body Works and bought several bottles. It's light, not sticky or heavy, and it smells wonderful.
Bath & Body Works Wickedly Hot Chocolate Body Wash. Also, sadly, discontinued. (Are you seeing a pattern here?). I don't usually like bath products that are scented like baked goods -- I can't stand "sugar cookie" scents or butter rum or things like that -- but this one is divine. Smells like brownie batter. Looks vaguely disgusting--brown and shiny--but smells amazing. I have a couple of bottles that I'm hoarding and using very slowly.
Bob's relationship with the cats next door. There are two young cats that live next door to us. They're both tabbies like Pyewacket, but quite a bit younger. They are incredibly friendly, they'll walk right up to almost anyone who walks by, and they're always happy to come over and talk to you and be petted.
If Bob sees them playing outside, he'll go outside to talk to them. That's what was happening here. I think it was Sunday morning. He looked out the window and saw the kitty in the yard, so he went out to talk to her. I love that.

The furballs:

Willa, when I was looking at the dog pictures on your weblog I was thinking how neat it would be to be around animals all day long. To have a dog sitting near you or close to your office who would occasionally wander in and say hi. It would really make me happy too.
I share your frustration about discontinued fragrances and Bath and Body. There had one several years ago that was lavender scented (I can't remember what it was called now) and I loved it. When they told me it had been discontinued the sales associate said she didn't know why because it was one of their best sellers. You would think they would want to keep their best selling fragrances. Yes there is a pattern.
Sorry, Willa. I meant to say I saw the doggy pictures on your moblog. :)
I know that businesses like Bath & Body Works want to change their fragrances all the time to keep them fresh and to keep people coming back, but on the other hand, it seems like they discontinue things WAY too much, and too often. My favorite scents over the years have been simple ones -- Vanilla Bean and Country Apple come to mind -- and they've been gone awhile, supplanted by Vanilla Sugar (ick). I saw that they have a new Apple one. I'll have to try it, but my hopes aren't high. ;)
That orange and sandalwood scent sounds amazing! Maybe they'll come back with it someday...
What you might try is going to B&BW during one of the semi-annual sales, especially the one in June. During that time, they suddenly have a lot of the "classic" scents on hand.
The 2nd furball picture wants to be a LOLcat.
Mike -- I think you're right. :) But what would it say?? I guess it would be something about airing the harbls .....
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