So I drew another card, and got the Four of Swords. From the LWB:
"Quiet your swirling mind. It's time to rest and sort things through. Do not take any further action. Take care of your mental and physical health."
Key concepts: Recovery, meditation, a healing respite from troubles.
Cichlids are builders, and he has cleared all the gravel from underneath the little castle structure, causing it to fall over. I posted this picture on Instagram this morning with the caption, "This is why we can't have nice things." I tried to take a video of him moving the rocks, but every time I get up close to the aquarium, he stops and pretends he wasn't doing anything. I can hear him right now. He picks up a piece of gravel, takes it where he wants it, and spits it out. Maybe one of these days I can sneak up on him and take a video.
I said something yesterday to my coworker that I should get in there and set the castle upright, and he said, "no, he's made his bed, let him lie in it."
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