Okay, so I know it's undoubtedly not really Spring, but it's definitely showing the signs. For some reason, this winter felt like it would never end, even though it wasn't particularly harsh. Just . . . I don't know. I really want it to be Spring. It feels like it today.
Bob was outside testing a depth finder in a trash can full of water, and I went to see how it was going, and it was so nice out that I got my gardening gloves and went out and trimmed a bunch of dead limbs out of my herb pots and picked up some leaves, and then just sat for awhile on the stoop, enjoying the air being warm enough that I didn't need to wear a jacket. Yesterday was nice, too--when I stopped at the gym in the middle of the afternoon and the girl at the desk asked me how I was, I said I was fine, and asked her how she was, and she said, "Fine, but wishing I was outdoors!"
The cats were sitting at the back door, watching us, and after awhile I went inside and got their harnesses and leashes and put them on, and took them out so they could enjoy the day, too.

Cats on leashes aren't exactly like dogs on leashes. You can't actually walk them, for one thing. The leashes are only really so they can't run away, or up a tree or something. You just (okay, I just -- I'm sure there are cats who behave more like dogs and will actually walk on a leash, but I've yet to see one) kind of stand there, and they poke around and stand and sniff the air, and the most action you'll get is they might chase a leaf or something.

Pyewacket got kind of bold and walked around the side of the house and rolled around on the driveway, and later she stretched and acted like she might climb a big tree, but she didn't. I'm sure she would if something was after her, but everything was pretty quiet. Bob went in and got me a big club--the handle to some kind of garden implement--to use if a dog tried to get them or something.

Then I made him hold the leashes while I went in to get the camera. This is the part that I always worry about--they inevitably go in different directions, so you're left in the middle, and of course, neither one of them will come when you tug on the leash.

We only stayed outside a little while; I decided to bring them in while Bob was out there so we could each grab one. Pye was mad, but I think Dinah was ready to come in.
A couple of people asked in the comments (which I now have!) whether I ever found out what was going on Thursday morning with the SWAT action on the highway. No, I never did. I checked the local newspaper's website several times that day and evening, but never did see anything about it. I suppose it will remain a mystery. Good story, anyway.
hi willa , bob, dinah, and pye
my pratchett reading friends have a map of order / somewhat of the books
if you care to see it the link is
looks like a nice day to start spring gardening
max - the canadian
There are two men in my neigborhood that "walk" their cats! They're always together (I imagine they're a couple) and one alwasy has a cat on a leash on his shoulder - like a pirate. The other though, actually WALKS the cat. I'm always amazed and ALWASY stare. I just got a camera phone, so next time I see them I'll snap a pic!
That's what Doña used to do--she'd flatten herself against the sidewalk, and no amount of yanking would budge her. I think the harness felt like something was on top of her and she didn't know what to do about it.
Hi Willa,
interesting to see how differently we view the seasons, depending on where we live! Here in Norway we think spring might be just around the corner because some of the birds started singing this week. We will not have leaves on the trees for another two months, the ground will stay frozen with ice and snow for a long while yet, especially in the shade. Anyway, I wanted to comment on how similar this is to my daughter airing her little rabbit. It too wears a harness and skips around the garden, getting tangled in the bushes, trying to break loose in order to become a part of the food chain. Rabbits will bite through anything, given time, I just hope we will be able to intercept it when the inevitable happens. love from Ellen
If you have any spring to spare, would you send a little to New York? We're still blanketed in snow. Everything's is black and white with a few green pine trees thrown in.
My cat loves to go outdoors also, but whines about being on a leash. She'll spy a bird or squirrel and will chase after it, but goes "ker-thunk" when she gets to the end of it. Then we get the dirty look, like "how dare you spoil my fun?"
Hi Willa,
interesting to see how differently we view the seasons, depending on where we live!
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