I went to the Penney's outlet store last weekend and bought some curtains for the bedroom. I had blinds and sheers on them, but they really didn't do much to block out the light in the mornings, and Bob had asked me to get something heavier. I found some in a dark plaid--navy blue and dark purple--that weren't too bad, so I bought four panels, and they look pretty good.
While I was there, I looked around at a bunch of other stuff; a lot of the stuff they have there is pretty crummy, but like any discount store, part of the appeal is in the search, and you can often find pretty nice things that are a real bargain. The springs in my chair broke a few months ago. The chair was still usable, but it wasn't really right, so I'd kind of been on the lookout for a new one.
They had some just exactly like mine, well, they had one in the same ivory as mine, and a bunch of them in kind of a pretty blue. They were $199, which was probably a pretty good price--I can't actually remember what I paid for the other one--but more than I wanted to pay without thinking about it a little more. Then there was a 25% off coupon in this morning's paper, so I rushed out to see if they were still there.
They were, but then I remembered a green glider I'd seen last time, and went over and looked at that, and it was only $99, which, with the 25% off, would make it $75, so I changed my mind and decided to get that one. I thought it would probably look better in the dining room corner than the upholstered one did; it's smaller, anyway.
Way smaller. Bob asked me, "Did you actually sit in this chair before you bought it?" Well, no, I didn't. It was displayed on an upper shelf, and the ones they were selling were in boxes, and I didn't feel like I could go find someone and ask them to get it down for me so I could sit in it, although, yes, I did think that I probably should. But I didn't. I bought it, and then left it there and came home until Bob got home, then we went back out and picked it up, and when we got home, he put it together for me.
It's . . . well, it's okay. It's not the most comfortable chair I've ever sat in, and it certainly isn't very roomy, but it will be fine, and someday I'll buy a better chair, and this one can be a side chair in the living room or something. But it's cute!

And Dinah apparently approves.

Last weekend I also bought daffodils in the grocery store--two bunches of them--because although mine had started blooming, I didn't really want to cut them. I enjoyed them all week. I should have bought some more today, but I didn't think of it. It was kind of a whirlwind weekend. In addition to the Penney's purchase, I went to T. J. Maxx and Marshall's, and bought a couple of rugs for the kitchen and bathroom, and a few little odds and ends like a frosted glass candle cup, and a pretty pink and green tea mug, just a few little pretty things that were a dollar or two each on the clearance table.
And I went to the bookstore, and the library, and the post office and bank, and washed the car, and went to the grocery store . . . I tried to go to the gym, but the weather was so nice that I was wearing sandals, and I didn't think to put any athletic shoes in the car. Good excuse, anyway.

It's lovely to see the spring flowers isn't it? :-) I can see snow on the hills in Wales from my bedroom window this morning, but they say later in the week the temp will rise into the sixties. The weather really seems to be screwy these days!
Willa, I love your new glider. It's just exactly like the two that I bought to put in our sunroom (my cushions are ivory). Although, I will say that my husband doesn't care much for his. He said the cushions are not thick enough for his skinny butt. I guess I must have enough padding that it doesn't bother me.
I think that later on I, too, will buy some more chairs and use these in a different room.
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